Party Secretary Liu Bo Met with the Delegation of International Experts on Reclamation Science

Publisher :     Time : 31.August 2024    Browse the number :


CUMTs Party Secretary Liu Bo spoke at the meeting

Fellow of National Academy of Inventors and Emeritus 

Professor Y. Paul Chugh spoke at the meeting

Awarding the Emeritus Professorship Certificate of China 

University of Mining and Technology

On the afternoon of August 30, Liu Bo, the Secretary of CUMT's Party Committee, met with a delegation of international experts on reclamation science. During the meeting, they engaged in detailed discussions aimed at bolstering cooperation between the two parties. The delegation was composed of distinguished individuals, including Y. Paul Chugh, Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors and emeritus professor at Southern Illinois University; Brenda K. Schladweiler, President of the American Society of Reclamation Science; Gwendelyn Geidel, professor with the University of South Carolina and former president of the American Society of Reclamation Science; Jennifer Franklin, professor at the University of Tennessee; Anna Waitkus, Chief Expert at the Laramie Environmental Consulting, Wyoming, USA; and ChrsitosTsadilas, an agricultural and soil expert at the Greek Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Vice Presidents Bian Zhengfu and Zhang Jixiong were present at the meeting.

Liu Bo warmly welcomed the delegation and provided an overview of CUMT, highlighting its practical expertise in land reclamation and ecological restoration. She noted that CUMT has been actively conducting research in this domain for over four decades in Xuzhou, with a focus on addressing the real-world challenges of local ecological and environmental development. Furthermore, the scholars at CUMT, exemplified by Professor Hu Zhenqi’s team, have sustained a profound collaborative relationship with Professor Chugh’s team over the years, significantly contributing to the scientific research and education in mine reclamation and restoration. Their findings have been extensively applied within the industry. Liu Bo expressed her hope that both parties would further enhance their communication and cooperation, working in concert to foster the sustainable development of China, the United States, and the global community.

On behalf of the expert delegation, Professor Chugh expressed gratitude to CUMT for the meticulous arrangements made for this visit. He stated that he, along with Southern Illinois University, has maintained a collaborative relationship with CUMT for over four decades, jointly nurturing numerous distinguished scholars in the domains of land reclamation and ecological restoration. Concurrently, the partnership between the two institutions has been expanding, engaging with entities such as the American Society of Reclamation Science, the University of South Carolina, the University of Tennessee, and various other pertinent universities and research organizations to conduct collaborative scientific research, yielding positive outcomes. He proposed that the two organizations concentrate further on land and environmental concerns, and put forth more comprehensive solutions in this arena. On behalf of the Society, Prof. Schladweiler congratulated the scholars from both organizations on their accomplishments and looked forward to future collaborations with CUMT to achieve even more.

Bian Zhengfu engaged in a thorough exchange with the delegation on academic subjects, including land reclamation and ecological restoration. He stated that China is currently endeavoring to optimize its energy mix, decreasing reliance on coal and simultaneously ramping up investments in renewable energy. The ecological challenges that emerge from this transition, along with the necessary solutions, offer ample opportunities for future collaboration between the two parties. He anticipated that the advancement of joint research endeavors will foster stronger ties between universities and facilitate the replication of successful practices both within their respective nations and internationally.

During the meeting, Bian Zhengfu, on behalf of CUMT, bestowed upon Professor Y. Paul Chugh the title of Emeritus Professor at China University of Mining and Technology. This honor was in recognition of his significant contributions to the enduring partnership between the two institutions.