Italian Conservatorio Luca Marenzio Brescia Delegation Visited CUMT and Presented a Symphonic Concert

Publisher :     Time : 25.September 2024    Browse the number :

The concert

The concert

The concert

Welcome ceremony

On September 23 and 24, a delegation of 67 teachers and students, led by Giammatteo Rizzonelli, President of Conservatorio Luca Marenzio Brescia, Alberto Baldrighi, President of the main campus, Alessandro Lucchrtti, Vice President of the main campus, Massimo Cotroneo, President of the Darfo campus, and Pierangelo Perucci, the head of the symphony orchestra, visited CUMT and held the Sino-Italian International Symphony Concert at the Mingde Hall. During the visit, Liu Bo, the Secretary of the Party Committee of CUMT, along with other prominent CUMT leaders, attended the symphony concert. President Song Xuefeng and Deputy Secretary of CUMT Party Committee Cai Shihua, in turn, met with the delegation.

At the welcoming ceremony, Song Xuefeng, on behalf of CUMT, extended a heartfelt greeting to the delegation from Conservatorio Luca Marenzio Brescia. He then provided a general overview of CUMT’s strengths and disciplines. He emphasized that CUMT holds the work of aesthetic education in high regard, adopting a diverse array of measures to promote aesthetic education. Furthermore, it strives to cultivate a cadre of high-caliber music and art educators and administrative personnel in music and art, while simultaneously establishing a collaborative "four-in-one" parenting mechanism in aesthetic education. Since the establishment of partnership between CUMT and Conservatorio Luca Marenzio Brescia in 2022, we have seen pragmatic cooperation in talent recruitment, academic visits and exchanges. He expected extensive collaboration between the two universities in launching joint degree programs, teacher and student exchanges, and more, so as to foster artistic talents with a global perspective.

Giammatteo Rizzonelli expressed, on behalf of the delegation, his profound gratitude to CUMT for the warm hospitality and thoughtful arrangements. He said that Conservatorio Luca Marenzio Brescia stands out as one of the five preeminent music institutions in Italy. As an international music university, it has nurtured over a thousand students hailing from diverse corners of the globe and has also established a professional symphony orchestra that enjoys a sterling reputation throughout Italy. He expects stronger inter-collegiate collaboration with CUMT, which will in turn contribute significantly to the advancement of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Italy.

At the Sino-Italian International Symphony Concert held on September 24, Conservatorio Luca Marenzio Brescia delighted over 1,500 teachers and students of CUMT with a musical extravaganza themed “The Sino-Italian International Symphony Concert Hosted at China University of Mining and Technology in Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China”. The concert strives to foster deeper cultural ties between China and Italy through music, the universal language. The concert hall was filled to capacity, and the ambiance was highly energetic.

The concert commenced with the passionate Chinese song My Motherland. This classic piece immediately sparked a patriotic fervor among the teachers and students, who were enraptured by the familiar melody and collectively savored the prosperity of their beloved motherland. Subsequently, the esteemed artists of Conservatorio Luca Marenzio Brescia presented an array of Italian symphonic compositions, including Francesca da Rimini, Capriccio Sinfonico, Three poems, Suor Angelica, as well as Preludio, Corale e Fuga, all of which left the audience in awe. These works not only exhibited the profound heritage of Italian music but also afforded the audience an opportunity to savor the timeless enchantment of symphonic melodies.

At the thrilling climax, Conservatorio Luca Marenzio Brescia surprised the audience with the school song of China University of Mining and Technology. As the familiar and heartwarming melody of the school song filled the air, Mr. Song Guoxu, faculty member of the School of Humanities and Arts, led over a thousand teachers and students in a resounding chorus, creating a breathtaking spectacle that left the audience in awe. This not only mirrored the profound friendship between Conservatorio Luca Marenzio Brescia and CMMU, but also fostered a stronger bond among the teachers and students of both China and Italy.

The concert culminated in a heartwarming and majestic ambiance, punctuated by thunderous applause. The audience proclaimed that the concert was not merely an audio-visual extravaganza, but a profound spiritual enchantment as well. At this concert, we were not only immersed in the enchanting melodies of music, but also witnessed the exchange and integration of Chinese and Italian cultures.