Paper Authored by Teacher from School of Computer Science and Technology Received the CCS 2024 Distinguished Paper Award

Publisher :     Time : 30.October 2024    Browse the number :

The 31st ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), one of the premier international conferences in information security, was held in the United States. “Isolate and Detect the Untrusted Driver with a Virtual Box,” with associate Professor Li Yonggang from the Department of Information Security of School of Computer Science and Technology as the first author, received the CCS 2024 Distinguished Paper Award.

Traditional untrusted driver isolation methods often require source code analysis, which can be cumbersome and time-consuming. And Existing antivirus isolation techniques, while effective in many scenarios, are unable to detect internal illegal control flows. In response to these challenges, the paper proposed the Dbox method, a technical solution for isolating and detecting untrusted drivers without the need for source code analysis. Dbox establishes a lightweight hypervisor to monitor and analyze the behavior of untrusted drivers, thereby identifying and mitigating potential security threats more effectively.

The ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS) is internationally recognized as a flagship conference in the field of information security, alongside USENIX Security, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P), and Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS). These four conferences are collectively known as the top four conferences in information security and are all categorized as CCF-A class conferences, indicating their highest academic prestige in the field. The number of publications in these top conferences is a core metric used by CSRankings to evaluate and rank research institutions worldwide in the area of computer security.