At a spectular gala opening ceremony to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the founding of China University of Mining and Technology, the CUMT Alumni Association Shanghai Branch presented the university with an artistically crafted documentary-Up from the Earth Core.

The preview was held at the Shanghai LuJiazui International Conference Centre on 5th January.
In a moving speech, Ms. Liu Bo, the party secretary of CUMT, reflected on the inter-connected development of CUMT and the role that the alumni played, both at home and abroad, to guarantee the supply of energy, resource and industrialization to enable China’s reform and opening up.

She applauded the spirit of integration, vitality and resilience of the Shanghai alumni which clearly represents the openness and inclusiveness of the city. It is this type of determination that will realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. An invitation to attend the 110th anniversary of CUMT was extended to the alumni. Ms. Lui Bo also expressed the hope that this partnership will help to build CUMT into a world class university in energy and resource subjects.
YinBixiang, the president of Shanghai Branch of the alumni, observed that 2019 also marked the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC and pledged that all members of the branch will hold true to the spirit of the alma mater and will forge to inject new glory to CUMT and new strength to the country.
China University of Mining and Technology Alumni Association