Victoria University of Wellington Delegation Visited CUMT
Publisher : Time : 23.August 2019 Browse the number :

On August 22, a delegation from Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) in New Zealand , headed by Blair McRae, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Engagement) visited CUMT. Prof. Song Xuefeng, the President of CUMT, hosted a meeting with Blair McRae and the delegation.
President Song Xuefeng said VUW is a reputable university in New Zealand and even across the world with many subjects ranked the top globally by the QS Ranking. Both CUMT and VUW have a long history and share many commonalities in discipline and academic area. A broad prospect for cooperation in robotics, artificial intelligence, industrial design, energy, occupational health and computer science is expected between the two universities. He also noted that as VUW has been committed to promoting internationalization, the opening-up to the world is also one of the three pillar strategies of CUMT for the years to come, which has provided a significant prerequisite for CUMT-VUW in-depth collaboration.

Blair McRae said VUW ranks No. 1 in New Zealand for research quality. VUW has the largest artificial intelligence research group in southern hemisphere and the largest cyber security research and teaching team in New Zealand. The academic reputation of VUW is high and it attracts a large number of international faculties and students. Like CUMT, VUW is also committed to ensuring its strategies for teaching, research, and equity that are relevant to the social community and internationalization. He believes that VUW and CUMT have mutual development missions and will become great collaborative partners.

The specific issues on collaboration of a joint college as well as a joint research center were deeply explored, and a broad consensus was reached. A three-party framework memorandum of understanding was also signed at the meeting by the representatives respectively from CUMT, VUW and AEMG.
Source: The International Office
Written by: TANG Ying
Edited by: ZHANG Yuchuan
Reviewed by: ZHANG Zhenkang