On June 28,the closing ceromony of the summer school program,which is organized and supported by the International Higher Education Alliance for Mining, Energy and Environment (AMEE), was held at China University of Mining Technology (CUMT), Xuzhou, China.

Mr. Zhang Zhenkang, Director of CUMT International Office, Secretary-general of AMEE and Director of the Summer School Program, made conclusion remarks to congratulate all the participants on their achievements in the Program. He said over the past six years, the summer school has gradually developed into a comprehensive program with a combination of engineering and humanity course packages in a selective model, and a range of social and cultural activities. A team of academic staff from both China and overseas was also involved in the teaching. This has made the program more attractive to the students from the AMEE member universities and other of CUMT’s partner universities. During their two weeks of stay in China, the students have gained knowledge about specific fields and Chinese culture, and meanwhile developed international awareness and fast friendship.

Mr. Zhang Zhenkang also issued the certificate of completion to every participating student.

Students from different countries also brought wonderful shows to the ceremony, presenting what they have learnt in China by performing Taiji and calligraphy. Prudencio Joao Muchanga who was born in Mozambique and now is a postgraduate student of University of Queensland, Australia, played a striking national dance. Nine Indonesian students from three universities, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Lambung Mankurat University, and State Polytechnic of Banjarmasin, played a dynamic group dance called “Maumere Dance”.

Lukas Tichy from VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, and Federico Rodriguez from the Catholic University of Salta, respectively gave a thank-you speech on behalf of the program participants, sharing what they have learned and experienced in the program.

The summer school lasted 17 days from June 14-30. The program comprises three packages that are engineering and humanity courses, Chinese language and culture courses, experiments and excursions. CUMT has always been endeavoring to improve the quality of the program by optimizing the curriculums. We have been successful in inviting Professor Piotr Małkowsk from AGH University of Science and Technology in Poland to join the summer school. This is the first time for us to have a professor from a partner university deliver a course in engineering in the summer school. In addition, we have developed a new Chinese language and culture course package by integrating Chinese language, Chinese history and culture, Tai Ji and calligraphy.

The program received many positive feedbacks:
“I was impressed by the profound traditional Chinese culture and the great achievements China has made in economic and social development.”
----Carolina Bruecker from RWTH Aachen University, Germany
“The teachers’ professional knowledge and student-centered teaching style are very helpful for me to engage in the course.”
----Juho Heikonen from Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
“After visiting the state key laboratory of coal resources and safe mining, I was shocked by the advanced facilities and wonderful scientific research environment, and will plan to apply for a master’s program at CUMT after completing my undergraduate study.”
----Mila Karaleeva from University of Mining and Geology, St.Ivan Rilsk, Bulgaria

Initiated in 2014, the number of participants of the summer school program has increased every year. This year 50 international students representing 15 countries and 20 universities joined the program, which is the record high since 2014. As one of the major events of AMEE, the summer school program has helped enhance the exchange and communications between CUMT and the alliance members.
Source: The International Office
Written by: XU Yang
Edited by: ZHANG Yuchuan
Reviewed by: ZHANG Zhenkang