CUMT Hosted the 10th International Conference on Energy, Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development

Publisher :     Time : 31.May 2024    Browse the number :


The 10th International Conference on Energy, Resources, Environment, and Sustainable Development, hosted by China University of Mining and Technology, was held in Xuzhou from May 30th to 31th. Liu Bo, Secretary of the Party Committee of CUMT, and Song Xuefeng, the President, attended the conference, which attracted over 350 experts and representatives from more than 20 countries and regions including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Russia, Australia, South Africa, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Centering on the theme “Focusing on Global Green and Low-carbon Energy Transition, Promoting Industrial Upgrading and Sustainable Development,” participants engaged in discussions on the direction and pathways for energy transition, outlining a grand blueprint for sustainable development. They put forward numerous innovative and forward-thinking ideas, viewpoints, and proposals, contributing valuable insights to the global green and low-carbon transition of energy and industrial upgrading.

On the morning of May 30th, the opening ceremony of was held and was presided over by Vice President Zhang Jixiong. Li Zheng, Vice Chairman of the Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology, attended and addressed the opening ceremony. He said that as the world is going through changes unseen in the past century, scientists and researchers should take their responsibilities, enhance fundamental research and make breakthroughs in key and core technologies while implementing the instructions made by President Xi Jinping during his visit to Jiangsu Province and the decisions made by the CPC Central Committee and Jiangsu provincial CPC Committee. They should strive to improve the modern industrial system and thus make greater contributions to making Jiangsu province a more beautiful place.

Opening Ceremony Hosted by Vice President Zhang Jixiong

Remarks by Li Zheng, Vice Chairman of Jiangsu Association 

for Science and Technology

In his opening remarks, CUMT President Song Xuefeng, who also chaired the conference, emphasized that energy stands as a vital foundation for both national economic growth and social development and that accelerating the transition towards green and low-carbon energy sources is of paramount significance in shaping a new model for sustainable development. This conference plays a pivotal role in enhancing interaction and exchange among scholars and experts from universities worldwide, thereby continually advancing technological innovation and sustainable development within the global coal energy sector.

Address by Song Xuefeng, President of CUMT

Two plenary sessions were hold on the mornings of May 30th and 31st, which were moderated by Professor Yuan Xibo, Professor Zhang Kefei, Professor Wang Zhongbin, and Professor Zhou Huichun respectively. Over the course of these sessions, 12 prominent experts have been invited to deliver insightful keynote speeches. Ling Wen, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chair Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Chairman of the Shandong Association for Science and Technology, Executive Committee Member of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), Chairman of WFEO Engineering and Environment Committee, and Director of the Management Consultation Committee of the China Enterprise Confederation, delivered a presentation titled “Innovative Practices of the Hydrogen-Powered Households Technology Demonstration Project”; Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, IEEE fellow, fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada, distinguished Professor and research chair in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of Ottawa, presented a talk entitled “AI and Metaverse to counterfeit Malaria”; Dushan Boroyevich, an academician of American National Academy of Engineering, President Emeritus of IEEE PELS, IEEE Life Fellow, Associate Vice President for  Research and Innovation in Energy Systems of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, University Distinguished Professor, Deputy Director of the Center for Power Electronics Systems, gave a presentation entitled “Global Electronic Power Belt for Sustainable Energy Abundance”; Hu Zhenqi, a participant of the CUMT national talent program and the Director of the CUMT Institute of Energy and Resource Strategy Development , delivered a presentation entitled “Progress and Prospect of Mined Land Reclamation in China”; Noritatsu Tsubaki, professor of Toyama University and Japanese Academy of Engineering member delivered a presentation entitled “New CO2-Conversion Technologies for Zero-Carbon Era”; Additionally, Professor Xiao Rui, Director of the School of Energy and Environment at Southeast University and a recipient of China’s national talent program, presented on “Exploration of New Systems for Biomass Thermochemical Valorization”; Kang Hongpu, an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director of the National Key Laboratory for Intelligent Mining and Strata Control in Coal Mines, and Chairman of the Science and Technology Committee of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group, presented a report entitled “Key Technology and Equipment for 10m Super-High Fully Mechanized Mining of Ultra-Thick Coal Seams”; Derek Elsworth, a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, foreign academician of  the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and professor at Pennsylvania State University, delivered a presentation entitled “Prospects for Seismicity - Permeability Scaling–Key Needs in Pursuit of the Energy Transition”; Dan ZHANG, Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow, Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada, Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and Fellow of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME), presented a talk entitled “Development of the adaptive landing and aerial manipulation technology based on the generalized parallel mechanism and AI technology”; Professor Axel Preusse, Deputy Dean of Faculty for Georesources and Materials Engineering of RWTH Aachen University, delivered a presentation entitled “Transformation of Mining Regions and the Use of Underground Space in Germany–Contribution of RWTH Aachen University”; Yang Min, recipient of the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund and a researcher of Research Center for Eco-environmental Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a presentation entitled “The Mission of Environmental Engineering in Post COD Era”; Bernhard Müller, a member of the German Academy of Sciences and Engineering, and a professor at China University of Mining and Technology, presented on “Low-carbon transitions for urban sustainability- an international perspective”.

Presentation by Ling Wen, Academician of the Chinese 

Academy of Engineering

Presentation by Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, Fellow of the Royal 

Society of Canada

Presentation by Dushan Boroyevich, Member of the U.S. National 

Academy of Engineering

Presentation by Xiao Rui, Dean of Energy and Environment 

School of Southeast University

Presentation by Noritatsu Tsubaki, Member of the Japanese 

Academy of Engineering

Presentation by HU Zhenqi, Professor of the Institute of energy and 

Resource Strategy Development of CUMT

Presentation by Kang Hongpu, Academician of the Chinese 

Academy of Engineering

Presentation by Derek Elsworth, Member of the U.S. National 

Academy of Engineering

Presentation by Dan Zhang, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering

Presentation by Axel Preusse, Professor of RWTH Aachen University

Presentation by Yang Min, Professor of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Presentation by Bernhard Müller, Member of the German Academy 

of Science and Engineering

On the afternoons of the 30th and 31st, experts and scholars engaged in in-depth exchanges and discussions on ten topics at sub-sessions, including resource development and utilization, safety engineering and occupational health, deep underground engineering and energy utilization, intelligent equipment technology, smart energy and clean power technology, clean processing, conversion and utilization of energy and resources, minerals and advanced energy materials, resource and energy security and emergency management, environmental pollution control and ecological restoration, as well as green energy transformation and sustainable development. A total of 418 abstracts and 199 papers were submitted. 40 best papers and 4 best posters were selected. 333 oral presentations were given. Substantial academic achievements have been made at the conference.

Presentation of Honor Certificates

The closing ceremony, presided over by Vice President Ye Jihong, was held on the evening of May 31st. Liu Bo, Secretary of CUMT Party Committee, attended and delivered a speech. Liu expressed her gratitude to the participants. She said that CUMT is actively enhancing international cooperation and exchanges and leveraging its disciplinary strengths to contribute to the low-carbon transition of the energy sector with a “CUMT Approach”. At the historical juncture of its 115th anniversary, CUMT is committed to joining hands with counterparts both at home and abroad to collectively address challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity, and environmental pollution by playing an active role in talent cultivation, scientific innovation, and social engagement, thereby contributing positively to exploring and building new models for global sustainable development.

Speech by Liu Bo, Secretary of the Party Committee of CUMT

Closing Ceremony Hosted by Vice President Ye Jihong

Dr. Zhang Linxiu, a senior official at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and an Academician of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, believed that the theme of this conference aligns closely with the 2030 SDGs and said that she expects CUMT to strengthen its collaboration with UNEP, actively engage in global governance, and contribute to addressing the pressing issues of energy scarcity and environmental pollution that humanity faces.

Dushan Boroyevich, an Academician from Virginia Tech in the United States and a foreign representative at the conference, gave high praise to the organization of the event. He said that since hosting the first conference in 1985, CUMT has always focused on sustainable development in the fields of energy, resources, and the environment, achieving remarkable accomplishments over the past four decades. A significant number of young scholars attended the conference this year, injecting new impetus to the future development of the field.

This conference was co-organized by seven overseas universities, including RWTH Aachen University in Germany, The University of Queensland in Australia, University of Wollongong in Australia, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland, Quang Ninh University of Industry in Vietnam, Veteran University of Construction in Indonesia, and Technical University of Dortmund in Germany. Substantial support was given by prestigious institutions such as the UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education in Mining, the China Coal Society, the Science and Technology Association of Higher Education Institutions of Jiangsu Province, the editorial board of Journal of Mining Science and Technology, the editorial board of Deep Earth Science, the International Alliance of Universities for Mining, Energy, and Environment, and the Xuzhou Association for Science and Technology.