CUMT Leaders Held an Online Meeting with Peter Moser, President of Montanuniversität Leoben

Publisher :     Time : 08.June 2024    Browse the number :

On the afternoon of June 7th, Vice President Bian Zhengfu held an online meeting with President Peter Moser of Montanuniversität Leoben and Vice President for International Affairs Thomas Prohaska. Their discussion centered on enhancing practical cooperation between the two universities.

Vice President Bian Zhengfu reviewed the history of friendly cooperation between the two universities and outlined prospects for future collaboration. He noted that China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) and Montanuniversität Leoben initiated their exchange and interaction as early as 1993, which facilitated the establishment of a sister city relationship between Xuzhou City and Leoben. Over the past three decades, extensive and fruitful cooperation has been carried out in areas such as faculty and student exchanges, joint research, and co-hosting of international conferences. Looking ahead, he expressed his expectation for deeper practical cooperation in areas like joint education programs, joint scientific research, setting up joint science labs and research centers by leveraging the strengths of both institutions in energy and resources to make positive contributions to sustainable development.

President Peter Moser acknowledged that the long-standing practical cooperation has laid a solid foundation for the further development of the inter-university relationship. He highlighted that Montanuniversität Leoben has identified energy, resources, safety, and sustainable development as key academic disciplines. Emphasizing a commitment to openness, Montanuniversität Leoben stands ready to initiate a new round of cooperation with CUMT in areas such as talent cultivation, scientific research, and platform development.

They had in-depth discussions on fostering cooperation in areas including the establishment of a dual master’s degree program, joint PhD supervision, faculty exchanges, and the co-organization of international conferences.